Brent Blaze's Denver Nuggets Extended Profile

Who am I?

I am an MBA student and blogger. You can find many of my articles on

I will cover the NBA, NBA Draft, NBDL, College, and overseas basketball. I've been known for tracking down players overseas to find out if they plan to tryout for the NBDL or participate in the NBA summer league.

You should read my blog, because I know who can play. Also, I find what slips beneath the cracks. Everyone else will just state the obvious. Do we really need any more of that?

Brief description

MBA Student with an informal degree in basketball, boating, and beer.


Basketball, Beer, Boating


basketball, college, euroleague, fiba, nba, nba draft, ncaa, overseas

This site is not affiliated, owned, or controlled or otherwise connected in any way to the Denver Nuggets or the National Basketball Association (NBA) or any of its entities.